Hub Farm CSA subscribers get the latest news about their produce:
Everything continues to grow really well out at the farm and it’s really looking like fall out here right now. The leaves are at the their peak and the garden is at it’s full fall glory. Hopefully this mild fall weather will continue for a few more weeks so we can finish out the CSA with a bang! After today, we have just 2 more weeks of the CSA. We’d love to hear any feedback you might have. This is the first official Hub Farm CSA, so we would love your feedback so we can keep it growing and improving!
In your basket this week you’ll be getting:
Carrots- you might notice that your carrots are red or purple instead of orange. While most carrots we buy today are orange, only a short while ago it was common to see carrots in a huge range of colors– red,. purple, yellow, white, and pink. In the 17th century the Dutch (motivated by the fact that orange was their national color) began breeding orange carrots for taste and consistent shape, and many of the carrots we buy today come from those breeds. These purple carrots in your basket are super tasty and a fun reminder of the huge variety you can find in the plant world. Enjoy ’em!
Radishes- these are from Reid and the Sol Patch and add the perfect bite to salads!
Chard or Kale- raw or cooked, delicious and good for you!
Spinach- eat it raw or cook it up with other greens. It’s fresh and tender and will cook very quickly.
Let us know if you have any questions and enjoy the veggies!
Becca and the Hub Farm team