Summer Program

The Hub Farm Summer Camp started in summer 2021 with support from local and federal grant funders. Every year since, rising 1st through 5th grade students are welcome on the farm for a variety of outdoor activities including: gardening, cooking, arts & crafts, hiking, fishing, reading, and more.
The main goal of camp is to provide a safe and fun environment for students to get to know themselves and each other in the outdoors. We also measure connection to nature and academic vocabulary through pre and post tests during their time at camp.
Our summer staff team is made up of DPS teachers, administrators, and high school students who serve as interns. Each year, registration opens in mid-February. Session 1 is the last two weeks of June, Session 2 is two weeks in early July. There is no camp the week of Fourth of July.
Interest list for Summer camp 2025 now available!